Small Groups
God uses people to form people. That is why what happens between you and another person is never merely human-to-human interaction, the spirit longs to be powerfully at work in every encounter. The goal of small groups is to create environments where Spirit-driven, life-given experiences can flourish.
Why Belong to a Small Group?
In His lifetime, Jesus ministered to great numbers of people – 10,000 or more at a time, a sea of humanity gathered on hillsides and sandy beaches. He spent most of his time, however, with a small number of hand-picked devotees.
The small group of twelve who Jesus chose as His disciples came from a variety of occupations that included fishermen, a tax collector, a politician, a bookkeeper, and several businessmen. The men varied greatly in temperament as well. Peter was bold and belligerent, John quiet and affectionate. Thomas was pragmatic and methodical, while Judas was sneaky and underhanded. Jesus clearly appreciated the power of a small, diverse group. We should too.
God wants to break into your life and enter your heart in a new way. Small groups are an amazing way for Him to do just that. They are an opportunity to gather in a smaller setting outside of Mass, and they give us an additional chance to get to know each other better and grow deeper in our faith. The truth is life isn’t meant to be lived alone. It is meant to be lived with, and for, others. Jesus often likened his community to a family. As we work toward becoming more Christ-like people, we need deep relationships to help us apply and live out gospel truths. As we share with each other what we’re learning, we grow together.
Small groups are a classroom for learning how to love like Jesus did-to become like Jesus and do what Jesus did. It’s a life pursuit. And as the family of God, we need to take time in the ordinary rhythm of life to be in regular contact with ordinary, imperfect believers so we can learn real fellowship and experience the connection God intends for us.
We welcome each of you to St. Theresa’s small group community as you lean into a certain generosity of spirit and share your heart for others.
Call the parish office at 352-245-2458 and let them know you are interested in “Small Groups”. They will need your name, phone number and email and will pass it along to a team member who will then get in touch with YOU!