Liturgy refers to God and man, working together as “The Church,” to do God’s work– especially with regards to his plans for our salvation (CCC 1069).

As “A liturgy,” this word covers: the Sacraments, the Liturgy of the Hours, the Catholic Funeral, and sections of the mass. We study and encounter Jesus in the “Liturgy of the Word,” as “The Word,” and again during the “Liturgy of The Eucharist,” as we receive him at communion through the consecrated host. He nourishes us so that we may “go forth” with him, and continue doing the work God has called us to do…

A Liturgical Calendar further assists The Church in its evangelical mission. It takes us on a one year journey, where the life and mysteries of Christ can be shared over six distinct seasons.

Many hands are needed to realize these liturgies and we thank our many dedicated and faithful volunteers! We are also so grateful for our ministry leaders, who share their expertise and guide our acts of devotion!

Please explore our ”SERVE” menu and contact us for more information! We’re happy to help you discern which ministry may be calling you…

The Ministry of Altar Servers

The Altar Care Ministry (Sacristans and Linens)

The Bereavement Ministry

The Extraordinary Ministers of the Sick (Homebound)

The Ministry of the Word (Lectors/ Readers)

The Music Ministry

The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC)

The Ministry of Hospitality (Greeters & Ushers)

Ushers Work Description

  • Their duties include making sure that everyone who arrives for worship is welcomed, receives a bulletin, and that they are seated properly.
  • They are responsible for making sure that everyone respects the sanctity of the worship service by maintaining the silence appropriate to God’s house of worship.
  • They assist with anyone who experiences difficulties during services, assisting parents with crying children, picking up the sanctuary after services, etc.

To volunteer as an Usher is one of the most important servants for God! They are there to meet and greet everyone who is coming to worship in the House of the Lord. They are the face of the church and we all look to them for everything!

Training is provided and meetings are held as needed prior to mass. All volunteers are screened and fingerprinted.

Thank you for saying yes and becoming an Usher!
Loretta Montalto, Usher Coordinator

Altar Servers

The Altar Server’s Ministry is a unique one in the Catholic Church. Other than priests and deacons, no one else is allowed to so closely play a part in the preparation of the Eucharist.

Your participation as an Altar Server is special. When you serve the priests and deacons, you serve the people of God, and above all, you serve Christ. Altar Servers must remember that everything that they do is for the Glory of God. They do it out of love for His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

St. Ignatius of Loyola called this attitude “AD MAJOREM DEI GLORIAM”. This means “All for the Honor and Glory of God.” It is the motto of a heart of service.

Sometimes, we don’t feel like doing our best. Sometimes, we just want to sleep another 5 minutes later; or we want wear our pajamas under our albs; or we want to not have to carry the candles today; or maybe we even want to just call in sick and let someone else serve. When we feel that way, we should ask ourselves, “Would I do it if Jesus Himself asked me?” Would I substitute for a sick server if Jesus Himself asked me? Would I let the new server take my favorite part if Jesus Himself asked me? Would I wear my best Sunday clothes if Jesus Himself asked me? Would I put aside my daily worries and worldly concerns and instead come serve at Mass if Jesus Himself asked me? He did ask. And you answered. Now you have been chosen to be a special minister of the Mass.

As an Altar Server, you will do things that others will never do. You will learn things that others will never know. You will see the Mass in ways that others may never see it. You will do it all for the Honor and Glory of God.

Thank you for saying yes to Him, and welcome to Altar Service.

Altar Linen Ministry Members

Purpose/Mission Statement:

The Main Mission of this ministry is the proper care and upkeep of all of our Altar Linens that are used throughout the Altar area.

Duties of the Altar Linen Ministry Members:

..Members collect used linens from the Sacristy once or twice a week, and return them within 2 or 3 days.

..Linens are rinsed thoroughly in a container reserved for this purpose. The rinse water is then poured into the earth on an outside garden area at the home.

..Linens are then pretreated for stains and laundered to remove all stains, etc.

..When dry, all are ironed and folded according to Church guidelines.

..Finally, the linens are returned to the Sacristy ready for use as needed.

..The Altar Linen Ministry currently has eight (8) faithful, dedicated members who treat this humble duty as a prayerful time. Each member has a partner and they together have responsibility for a month at a time. The month duty is determined by Sunday, with months having 4 or 5 Sundays during which the linens are processed.


MISSION:  To proclaim God’s word to the congregation with conviction and clarity that expresses the dignity of the scripture.

REQUIREMENTS: (1) Complete Volunteer Information Form. (Found in the Church office) (2) Pass fingerprinting and background check as required by the Orlando Diocese. (3) Be a practicing St. Theresa parishioner who is living in communion with the Church. (4) Be present for assigned reading dates or secure a suitable replacement from the List of Lectors. (5) Be properly dressed; have a mature and prayerful demeanor; show proper respect for the alter; and proclaim the reading in a clear manner.

TIME COMMITMENT: The time will vary, but, usually 2-3 hours should be sufficient. The goal is to demonstrate a familiarity with the scriptures. Remember: “Preparation before presentation.”