No member of the faith community grieves alone. Together, while comforting the bereaved, we worship, praise, and thank God for the gift of this life, which has been returned to Him.
The Bereavement Ministry, includes Funeral Liturgy planning, reception after funeral, and Grief Support Program. Ministering to the bereaved is the responsibility of the entire parish, and this ministry works at involving many other parish ministries for the Funeral Liturgy such as the Ministers of Music, Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Sacristans, and Altar Servers. Their participation is vital to the success of the Bereavement Ministry.
Funeral Ministers meet with the family of the deceased to offer them comfort and to assist in their choosing the readings and music and other details of the Liturgy. Ministers may also attend the wake and/or committal for prayers when Father is not available.
Reception Ministers are notified when a reception is requested by the family of the deceased and work in teams to provide food and drink after the funerals. They cook and/or set up and serve at the reception.
Grief Support facilitators offer, twice a year, a 6-week support program for those who have experienced the death of a loved one.
Trust in the Lord
Work my heart, work my soul,
Trust in the Lord is my only goal.
Seek Him at thy prayer each day
Ask His grace it’s the only way.
Show me Lord and take my hand
Lead me to the promised land.
You watch and wonder with your love,
I know it’s sanctioned from above.
For in your time there was no loss,
He died for sins upon the cross.
For love and grace and tender care
I cannot see but know you’re here
And there’s one last thing I must say,
I pray these words to You each day.
By David Roberto

A kind heart and a compassionate nature is the experience necessary for all phases of Bereavement Ministers. Training and mentoring are provided. If you feel you are being called by God to participate in any phase of this compassionate ministry please contact the parish office at 352 245-2458. We need you!