Serving in music ministry is an important calling, requiring humility and dedication. We come together to serve the Lord- not to be served. We stand in contrast to the secular world around us, by boldly pointing to God and glorifying him. We make music, but we also proclaim his word and serve as witnesses to our faith in God and his holy Catholic Church. During mass, rehearsals, and even in our at-home practice, we seek to make good use of the gifts and opportunities He has given us. We gladly offer up our time, energy and praises to The One who is worthy and invite you to join us!
Prayer is at the center of our ministry. We pray for one another, individually, as prayer partners, and as a group. Our prayers, faith, and music-making bring us together into a musical family. We pray for our leaders and seek to honor, bless, and obey them by supporting the liturgical and spiritual objectives of our diocese and priest. We pray for the salvation of our community and families, and stand ready to welcome all with the love and grace God has shown to us. We provide the congregation with a model of Christian unity and reverence, as our coordinated body participates in the mass. By helping to lead and support the responses of those gathered for worship, we help to foster a sense of unity among the body of Christ, and beautify a coherent, unified offering to God. Through our love and music, we honor, bless, and obey the great God we serve. Please pray for us to be a fruitful ministry that is pleasing to the Lord.
Our musical family warmly invites you to come and make music, deepen your spiritual life, discover new friends, and have fun! Our blossoming parish is a creative and spirit-led place where worshipping always offers something new. There are many opportunities to use your gifts. One does not have to be a trained musician to enter this ministry. You do not have to read music to join either. Singers and instrumentalists of all levels are welcome. We really look forward to worshipping and working with you!
Please contact the director prior to attending your first rehearsal, to confirm rehearsal times and places, have a discussion, and receive music. We serve year round and welcome our snowbirds. There are currently no fees, materials, or required garments for participating in this ministry. If you miss a rehearsal, your presence with us at mass is still encouraged; we gather to worship! All members must participate in background checks to ensure safety. Please do not come to rehearsal if you are ill or if the weather presents a hazard to you. If you cannot attend during our currently scheduled rehearsal times, but would still like to participate, please speak to the director.